Sponsor The Single-Cell World 

Position your brand at the forefront of single-cell research conversations.

Discover Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Packages


Starting: 500$ 


  • A dedicated episode about the sponsor's technology or product. The podcast episode can be with a company representative or a researcher who is using the sponsor's technology.
  • Prominent mention and acknowledgement at both the beginning and end of the episode.
  • Direct link to the sponsor’s website is included in the podcast summary notes
  • Mention on 3 Social media posts (1 LinkedIn, 1 Twitter and 1 Instagram)


  • A dedicated blog post about the sponsor's technology or product.
  • Prominent placement on the main blog page for one week
  • 3 Social media posts with a mention (1 LinkedIn, 1 Twitter and 1 Instagram)


  • Top placement in the monthly newsletter for the blog and podcast.
  • A special thank-you note in the newsletter with a direct link to the sponsor's website.


Starting: 300$

Podcast or Blog

  • A dedicated episode or blog post about the sponsor's technology or product. The podcast episode can be with a company representative or a researcher who is using the sponsor's technology
  • Prominent mention and acknowledgement at both the beginning and end of the episode.
  • Direct link to the sponsor’s website is included in the podcast summary notes
  • Mention on 3 Social media posts (1 LinkedIn, 1 Twitter and 1 Instagram)


  • Top placement in the monthly newsletter for the blog and podcast
  • A special thank-you note in the newsletter with a direct link to the sponsor's website.


Starting: 75$


  • Top placement in the monthly newsletter  (e.g product, application note, webinar...) 


Other things in which you may be interested:

  • Scientific Consultations
  • Scientific Writing Services:  exclusive blog posts for your website; social media content creation; grant editing for your customers.
  • Exclusive online courses: we can create online courses about your technology for future customers or employees

Contact us for more information

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What people say...


"Great podcast series for scientists!"

Tom Whitney

"I was asked to listen to your podcast by a potential employer. They have been helpful as my background is in Histology."

Agustin Fernandez

"For the Single-Cell Multiomics Episode. Very good explanation Catia đź‘Ť."